HIV Prevention workshop of Training of Trainers in HIV Prevention Tools for new and non –GPC countries in East and Southern Africa
18-20 March 2024, Ibis Hotel, Antananarivo- Madagascar
Purpose of meeting
To define approaches for strengthening HIV Combination Prevention Programming in countries and accelerating country implementation towards achieving the 2025 targets
•To have a common understanding of the global commitments on the 2025 prevention
•To share common tools (PSATs, scorecard) and guidance for programming HIV prevention including data requirements.
•Discuss and develop critical steps required in countries to implement the roadmap, including country-specific milestones toward the 10 actions that underlie prevention stewardship.
•Identify country support needs for prevention roadmap implementation
Our role
•PSAT orientation and practical session on how to complete the tool
•Share examples from SSLN on the value of completing the tool : Côte d'Ivoire and South Sudan
•Facilitate the completion of one KP PSAT with Next steps and TA areas identified
Key insights
1) Most countries prioritised Key Populations. PSATs completed included: SWs, MSM and PWUD
2) Common themes identified:
•Structural Barriers: creating anenabling legal and policy environment, addressing stigma and discrimination
•Integration of health services
•Mobilisation of resources for KP programming
•Sustainability plan and transition roadmap