February 18, 2025

ICAP/CQUIN and SSLN Webinar : Sustainability, Resilience, and Emergency Response: How are African Countries Responding to Interruptions in HIV Funding?



The webinar addressed the challenge of HIV funding interruptions in sub-Saharan Africa and explored emergency responses to maintain essential HIV services. It focused on strategies to sustain services like rapid testing, ART initiation, PrEP, DSD, and patient-centered care. The session emphasized the importance of service integrity during crises, particularly through HIV monitoring, quality assurance, and prioritizing recipient-of-care engagement, ensuring the voices and needs of those living with HIV shaped response efforts.


  • Exploring emergency responses to address the interruptions in HIV funding for sub-Saharan African countries. With a focus on maintaining core HIV services across prevention, care, and treatment, including rapid testing, ART initiation, PrEP, DSD, and patient-centered services.
  • Prioritizing service integrity through HIV monitoring and quality assurance, as well as strategies to enhance recipient-of-care engagement, ensuring that their voices and needs are central to the design and implementation of these emergency responses.


The session began with Opening Remarks from moderators Peter Ehrenkranz (Deputy Director of HIV Testing & Treatment, Gates Foundation) and Peter Preko (CQUIN PI/Project Director, ICAP, Columbia University), who introduced the session’s goals. Kerry Mangold, SSLN Programme Director, followed with Framing Remarks, offering insights into the impact of stop work orders on HIV programs in Africa and how countries have adapted to funding disruptions.

Next, country representatives shared their experiences in the Country Case Studies: Emergency Response for Program Resilience segment:

  • Linley Chewere, Malawi’s Director of HIV, STIs, and Viral Hepatitis, discussed how Malawi maintained key HIV services amid funding challenges.
  • Andrew Mulwa, Head of Kenya’s National AIDS & STI Control Programme, presented Kenya’s approach to sustaining HIV treatment and prevention.
  • Stephen Ayisi Addo, Ghana’s National AIDS/STI Control Programme Manager, concluded with Ghana’s emergency response strategies to preserve HIV care resilience despite funding uncertainties.

This webinar provided a platform for key stakeholders to exchange solutions on addressing HIV funding disruptions and ensuring recipient voices are central in shaping responses.



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