June 12, 2024

SSLN | Link & Learn on Integration of Condom Promotion and Distribution hosted by Malawi


Preventing HIV transmission remains a top public health priority for many countries in Africa. Condoms are a cornerstone of effective prevention strategies, but simply making them available is insufficient. Effective national programmes require a multi-pronged approach that ensures accessibility and encourages consistent use.

  • Explore best practices for condom promotion and distribution through various channels.
  • Discuss innovative methods to encourage condom use across demographics while addressing social barriers.
  • Evaluate data on how combining distribution and promotion increases accessibility, utilisation, and HIV prevention.
  • Identify key considerations and lessons learned from running integrated condom programmes.

The workshop kicked off with opening remarks from Lucy Maikweki (SSLN Condom Technical Lead) emphasising the importance of integrated condom distribution and promotion programmes. Bertha Sato from the Malawi National AIDS Commission (NAC) then set the agenda, outlining workshop objectives and the data-driven benefits of combining these strategies.

Mathews Chinyama from the Malawi Ministry of Health (MoH) led a session on innovative distribution channels, focusing on reaching diverse populations through partnerships with non-traditional outlets and mobile clinics. Condom promotion strategies were then addressed. Francis Mabedi (NAC) discussed creative methods like social media campaigns, while Philip Mkandawire from Family Health Services (FHS) tackled social barriers hindering condom use.

Sato revisited the power of integration during the "Evidence-Based Impact" session, presenting data on how combining distribution and promotion increases accessibility, utilization, and ultimately contributes to HIV prevention. Her "Lessons Learned" session offered valuable insights from implementing such programs, highlighting overcoming logistical challenges, tailoring messaging, and fostering community involvement.

Finally, a collaborative environment was fostered through an open discussion session. Participants shared experiences, brainstormed solutions, and representatives from participating countries presented key takeaways and areas for future collaboration.


The recording and presentation from this session can be accessed below!


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