November 29, 2023

GPC KP CoP Webinar: Morning Session |Scaling Up Harm Reduction for People Who Inject & Use Drugs

Key Populations - People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)

Harm reduction is an evidence-based approach that seeks to minimize the negative consequences associated with drug use and other risky behaviors, while promoting the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

In the context of HIV prevention, harm reduction strategies have proven to be effective in reducing the transmission of the virus among people who use drugs (PWUD). Research shows that providing access to sterile needles and syringes, opioid substitution therapy, HIV testing, counseling, and other harm reduction services can significantly decrease the risk of HIV infection.

Moreover, harm reduction programs go beyond the prevention of HIV transmission. They also address the broader health and social needs of PWUD, including Hepatitis C prevention and treatment, overdose prevention, access to healthcare, and harm reduction education.

Session Objectives
  • The Role of People Who Use and Inject Drugs (PWU/ID) in Scaling Harm Reduction Programmes
  • Bringing programmes closer to the populations they Serve
  • Addressing the Needs of PWU/ID in HIV Prevention and Other Services
  • Discussing Technical Issues and Key Elements of Harm Reduction
  • During the session, Daria Matyushina from UNAIDS welcomed the participants and outlined the objectives of the meeting outlining the session objectives
  • Angela McBride, Executive Director of South African Network of People Who Use Drugs(SANPUD), highlighted the importance of community involvement in harm reduction programs. They shared examples of grass roots initiatives and network support that have made a difference in the lives of PWUD, such as Siyasonke and Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre.
  • Edo Agustian facilitated a session discussing the crucial role of PWUD communities in harm reduction programs, focusing on harm reduction efforts in Indonesia, community-led monitoring for service quality, the role of Persaudaraan Korban Napza Indonesia (PKNI) as a Global Fund recipient, and shifts in drug use trends.
  • Monica Ciupagea from UNODC provided a global overview of the current state of harm reduction programs. This included strategies guiding UNODC's work on HIV, challenges faced by PWUD living with Hepatitis C, and major barriers to accessing harm reduction interventions.
  • An interactive session using Mentimeter was conducted to identify barriers faced in implementing harm reduction programs. Dr. Do Huu Thuy from Vietnam and Ms.Tinatin Sagymbaeva from Kyrgyzstan shared practical approaches to implementing harm reduction programs at scale. This included policy responses, needle and syringe program implementation, improving access to HIV, HCV, and syphilis testing for key populations, and government efforts in harm reduction.
  • Susie McLean from The Global Fund and Meghan DiCarlo from PEPFAR reflected on the discussions and made commitments towards furthering harm reduction efforts. Daria Matyushina from UNAIDS concluded the session.

Event Resources

Please find the links provided below to access the YouTube recording and the presentation from this call. Sharing these resources with your network can have a meaningful impact and contribute to making a positive difference.

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