We create opportunities for individuals to come together and freely exchange information and experiences in a supportive environment to address the need for improved HIV prevention across the supported countries.
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"Professionnel de santé publique, détenteur d'un master en population et développement sur la base d'une licence en santé publique, Monsieur AKOUALA travaille pour son pays depuis 2012, où il a été successivement animateur et superviseur des projets de développement (Hygiène et assainissement, WASH), vérificateur médical dans le cadre FBP, point focal nutrition et santé scolaire. Il est depuis 2022 au PNLS comme chargé de programme puis chef de département de la Surveillance Épidémiologique du VIH et des IST. Il est actif dans la lutte contre le VIH et les IST et s'intéresse aux populations clés.
Victoria Natoni Daniel works with National Empowerment of Positive Women United (NEPWU) as a program officer. She has 16 years’ experience Implementing HIV prevention Program and 7 years’ engaging key and priority populations and Network of women & girls living and affected by HIV in South Sudan. She has expertise in women empowerment and community engagement intervention, coordination and communication skills, program design and implementation abilities as well as policy compliance.
Watara Yahaya is a youth advocate and Executive Director of the Network of Young Key Populations: A growing network of adolescents and young key population in their diversity. We inspire and empower adolescents and young KP as frontline change-makers in the HIV response
Wilson Box, Projects Executive Director for Zimbabwe Civil liberties and Drug Network, holds
a Masters in Development Studies specializing in Public Policy and Management from the
Erasmus University Rotterdam`s Institute of Social Studies Graduate School. Wilson is a fellow
of the Open Society Foundation in which he undertook programmes in Human Rights and Drug
Policy Reform at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary and The Graduate
Institute of the University of Geneva, Switzerland in which he has done programmes in Drug
Policy Reform, Global Health and Diplomacy. Internationally, Wilson has been a board member
of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs where he served as Deputy Secretary. Wilson through
Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network, a peer led initiative of communities using drugs in
Zimbabwe, has been instrumental in having the Zimbabwe National Drug Master Plan and the
Treatment and rehabilitation guidelines adopted by the government of Zimbabwe in 2021. The
documents are anchored on harm reduction services. Wilson has contributed to academia through a book chapter, The impact of Global drug policy on women. Shifting the needle.
/www.emerald.com/insight/publication/doi/10.1108/9781839828829 and in the research, A
situational analysis on drug use in Zimbabwe`s five provinces, https://english.mainline.nl/posts/show/14783
Key Populations Programme Manager for NACOSA, the Principal Recipient for the South African Global Fund programme. Sixteen years working within the Health Sector and key populations. Qualifications: Master Degree in Social Policy and Management (University of Cape Town) and a Masters in International Social and Health Policy (University College of Oslo, Norway). Previously, Sex work programme specialist providing technical guidance to 14 cities and now leading the People who inject drugs programme implemented in 8 cities. Also, strategic lead on Frontline AIDS' Action 4 (Innovative responses to Health) responsible for knowledge management and learning sharing amongst global and regional partners.
Zahara Mansoor, a devoted advocate, prioritizes public health services for vulnerable groups. Since 2020, her impactful journey continues, actively engaging in technical groups with TACAIDS and NACP, focusing on TWG PrEP and prevention strategies. With a background in peer education, especially for AGYW, she's risen to a global champion role in SSLN of the Global Prevention Coalition. Zahara ensures young voices are heard, representing them in the Key Vulnerable Population Forum. Her commitment fosters collaborative efforts and knowledge-sharing on a global scale.
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