We create opportunities for individuals to come together and freely exchange information and experiences in a supportive environment to address the need for improved HIV prevention across the supported countries.
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Union pour l'assistance aux femmes prostituées d'Afrique (UAFPA)
Je suis Mme Medine Odette Tamboue, présidente de l'association UAFPA, dont le siège est basé en République du Congo. Notre association est créée par les professionnelles du sexe de toutes les nationalités pour défendre leurs droits. Nous existons depuis 2007 et nous menons des activités de prévention des IST et VIH, ainsi que le dépistage démédicalisé dans nos sièges et sur les sites des professionnelles du sexe. Nous faisons la promotion de la PrEP et la distribution de préservatifs, la sensibilisation sur les VBG, ainsi que la sensibilisation et la prise en charge sur les SSR.
Mr Mungoni holds a position of Prevention Adviser at UNAIDS South Africa, his role includes providing technical support to country partners to adopt, implement, and monitor progress in HIV Combination Prevention, new prevention technologies as well as addressing persistent inequities in HIV response. He is an accomplished strategic leader with over 20 years’ experience in HIV and AIDS response, HIV Prevention, Social and Behaviour Change, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and gender in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. Mr Mungoni coordinated the technical support from the United Nations Joint Team on AIDS for the development of the new National Strategic Plan for HIV, AIDS, TB and STIs 2023-2018. He is also a member of the National Prevention Technical Task Team in South Africa, providing technical inputs to the HIV prevention.
I have over 18 years working experience in Community Health and Development programs coordinating Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) programs for Adolescent and Young People, Adolescent Girls, and Young Women (AGYW) Key Populations and the LGBTQ community in Kenya and beyond. I am currently working as a Public Health Specialist with Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Kenya. I am currently pursuing PhD, but hold Masters in Community Health and Development and Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media Studies.
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