We create opportunities for individuals to come together and freely exchange information and experiences in a supportive environment to address the need for improved HIV prevention across the supported countries.
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Featherstone is an accomplished Public Health Specialist, Diplomat and distinguished leader serving as the Country PrEP Champion for the South-to-South Learning Network (SSLN) in Zambia with more than twenty years of experience in HIV programming, designing,
implementing, and managing public health projects and Health systems Research, he serves as an influencer and champion to engage in the SSLN and apply learnings to strengthen the national HIV prevention response in Zambia.
Association des personnes vulnérables du Congo en sigle APVC
Je suis leader activiste et président d'une organisation de lutte contre le VIH/sida et les IST ainsi que différentes pathologies liées au VIH et aux IST auprès des populations clés, notamment les HSH. Nous travaillons pour la prévention et le traitement du VIH et des IST. Ensuite, nous œuvrons pour promouvoir les droits humains ! Notre organisation est constituée des populations clés infectées et affectées par le VIH/sida et les IST. L'organisation a été créée en 2021 et jusqu'à présent, nous évoluons malgré le grand besoin en matière de santé pour ces populations et le manque de financements nécessaires pour permettre à notre communauté d'avoir une bonne santé et pour que la situation épidémiologique de nos populations soit en baisse.
Florence Mudokwani is a seasoned Youth and Gender Development Specialist serving as a Technical Director for Zimbabwe Health Interventions with over 11 years of experience in designing, implementing, and managing youth, gender, HIV Prevention, ASRH, child protection, GBV prevention and response interventions for AGYW. She has in-depth understanding and experience in implementing, leading, and coordinating AGYW programs in culturally diverse communities and national levels in Zimbabwe.
Male aged 52years, 15 years at the position of Executive Director, holding Masters Degree in Development Studies from National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Very Passionate of Community development, human rights issues and AGYW.
Gerald Vitus Kihwele working with Ministry of
Health as a National Coordinator for Gender and
Adolescent Health. He holds a Bachelor and Master of
Science degrees from St.Johns and Dodoma
Gerald Kihwele’s work related interest are
Conducting participatory innovative thinking on
strengthening health system and other building
blocks at large and daily update on Local public
health issues and global health matters.
As a coordinator, Gerald is responsible for
development of Guidelines, policies, Strategies,
Training packages and SOP related to Gender and Adolescent Health. He also oversees the
implementation of all Gender Health response and Adolescent Health interventions in the
Country, including those implemented by partners. Gerald has a strong passion on the
portfolios he leads and through his expertise he has overseen several achievements in the
country, including the national 2019 adolescent health services barriers assessment
(AHSBA) in the United Republic of Tanzania with a Focus on Disadvantaged Adolescents
which was funded by WHO. He spearheaded the development and roll-out of the National
Accelerated Action And Investment Agenda For Adolescent Health And Wellbeing
commonly abbreviated as NAIA_AHW. The agenda anchors on six pillars: (i) Preventing
HIV; (ii) Preventing Teenage Pregnancies; (iii) Preventing Sexual, Physical and Emotional
Violence; (iv) Improving Nutrition; (v) Keeping Boys and Girls in School; and (vi)
Developing Skills for Meaningful Economic Opportunities. The agenda is the main driver
of to the advancement of the national adolescent investment in the country. He was also a
panellist in the 2019 meeting of Strengthening Human Resources through Development of
Candidate Core Competencies for Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders in
Sub-Saharan Africa
Gerald has expertise in conducting participatory innovative thinking on strengthening
health system as well as health systems assessment to identify local and global public health
My name is Gershom Simukoko from Zambia. I work for an organization called CHAZ that has countrywide representation. My work involves coordinating adolescent activities in different parts of the country working with other partners. The activities are coordinated both at facility and community level. I love travelling and reading scientific articles especially on HIV and prevention in adolescents. I appreciate this platform and have been learning a lot.
A South Sudan CCM country champion have volunteered much time to work for human rights .studied in the country and obtained diploma in social science and development communication. Currently working as executive director at AMWISS. For media sector previously implemented a two years advocacy and communication project supported by UNFPA on reproductive health project targeting women and young people. I have good knowledge of working with communities in South Sudan, conducting research, computer literate words excel, PowerPoint, audio editing SMS, Internet others. Ready to work national, regional with partners on themes relevant to South Sudan context
A sales and marketing communications expert with over a decade of experience in HIV programming. He is Marketing Manager - Market Development at Population Solutions for Health (PSH) responsible for the condom social marketing program, as well supporting the growth and viability of the national condom market through supporting the implementation of the national TMA strategy.
Association of Young people Living with AIDS in Nigeria (AYPIN)
Haruna Aaron Sunday is a TB Survivor, Youth living with HIV, public health specialist, a global influential civic leader, public speaker, global health activist, 2021 AVAC Award winning advocate, researcher who specialised in HIV/TB and sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues for adolescents and young people in their diversities especially those within humanitarian and fragile settings. He has over 8 years of experience in establishing operational optimisation across diverse organisations both at the state, national, regional, international and global level in divers’ capacities. He currently serves as the Executive Director of African Network of Adolescents and Young Persons Development (ANAYD) and National Coordinator of Association of Positive Living with HIV in Nigeria (APYIN)
Senior Technical Advisor: National Department of Health in South Africa 2010 to present. Played a leading role in introducing and expanding the use of oral HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in South Africa since 2015. Currently, involved in supporting the introduction of long-acting HIV prevention products. Past work included support for the PEPFAR DREAMS program, the She Conquers Campaign, the roll-out of the Human Papillomavirus vaccination, and the revitalization of Primary Health Care services in South Africa.
Okiwu Henry is a development and public health professional with over 13 years’ experience in designing and leading Program, Policy and Research in the intersection of HIV & Drug/Harm Reduction targeting young key and vulnerable population at all levels. I have supported/facilitated network and partnership building, learning exchanges, national programs & policy development, stakeholders/donors engagements, institutional strengthening, advocacy/campaigns & policy reform. I holds Master in Public Health (MPH), amongst other trainings & currently lead technical operations at YouthRISE Nigeria.
National AIDS and STIs Control Programme, Federal Ministry of Health
A Deputy Director/Head Prevention &HTS at the National AIDS , Viral Hepatitis and STIs Control Program of the Federal Ministry of Health. As an SSLN member, my roles includes providing Health sector responses to the PSAT, participate and make inputs in developing country presentations, participate in link and learn sessions, also reporting back to my organization best practices and innovations learnt at SSLN learning sessions and conferences for implementation.
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