Ensuring Equity in HIV Prevention Through Effective Programme Coverage for Key Populations

Key Populations - General

Key Populations (KPs) are at a significantly higher risk of contracting HIV than the general population in Nigeria, making them a central focus of HIV prevention and treatment programmes. Nigeria has made remarkable progress in HIV prevention in its KP programming, surpassing the 90% condom availability coverage for key populations. However, gaps remain especially for outreach efforts and utilisation coverage which lags below the national target among men who have sex with men, transgender people, and people who inject drugs. The success of the KP programme in Nigeria depends on its ability to reach all individuals within KP communities and ensure that no one is left behind. Achieving this requires using equity-focused tools and data-driven approaches to allocate resources efficiently and maximise impact. 

The Effective Program Coverage Framework was developed to assess the extent to which populations benefit from- or are excluded from HIV prevention programmes and interventions. The framework assesses KP programme goals and strategies by conducting a coverage gap analysis across four key dimensions: 1) required coverage 2) available coverage 3) contact coverage, and 4) utilisation coverage. This framework has been previously applied to evaluate Nigeria's KP programme using data from the 2020 Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (IBBSS).

To strengthen the capacity of policymakers and programme implementers in utilising the Effective Programme Coverage Framework for key population (KP)  programming in Nigeria, the Insight 2 Implementation (i2i) initiative of the South to South Learning Network (SSLN) organised a two-day workshop on December 11th and 12th, 2024 in Abuja Nigeria. The workshop aimed to enhance participants' ability to utilise the cascade to identify gaps in HIV prevention programming for key populations, and develop actionable strategies to address these gaps effectively. 

The workshop brought together over 40 participants, including representatives from the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), delegates from 10 states, implementing partners, and members of the key population community. Facilitators were drawn from Genesis Analytics, the University of Manitoba, the Population Council, and the West Africa Center for Public Health and Development.

Nigeria country champions at the Insight 2 Implementation (i2i) workshop.

The methodology of the workshop emphasised hands-on learning. Each technical session was designed to introduce participants to the core principles and tools of the Effective Programme Coverage Framework. These sessions were followed by breakout discussions, where participants applied their new knowledge to practical scenarios. This interactive approach not only deepened their understanding but also provided a platform for collaborative problem-solving.

At the workshop, participants used data from the IBBSS to identify gaps in key population (KP) prevention programming across the country. Some of the gaps highlighted included:

  • Poor awareness of HIV testing facilities among people who inject drugs in Lagos State.
  • Low uptake of HIV testing services among female sex workers in Benue State.
  • Limited utilization of condoms among transgender communities in Kaduna State.

Following the identification of these gaps, participants developed appropriate recommendations and learned to apply the recommendations matrix, an evidence-utilisation tool designed to translate recommendations into tangible, actionable solutions. To ensure these recommendations are effectively implemented, the i2i team will support state teams by providing evidence of successful strategies that have addressed similar gaps in other contexts. 

To learn more about how the Effective Programme Coverage Framework can support data-driven decision-making in HIV prevention, you can read more about it and its application here.  

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